Friday, November 23, 2012

Thursday Thanks

As we gave thanks yesterday for the ways we have been blessed, I also took pictures of the people, memories and items for which I am thankful. Here's what I saw until the camera battery died:
 Girls who love to balance.
 Boys who love to smoke.
 Bright Fall colors.
 A home that we love.
 Intercultural relations.
 Open windows with a warm breeze on Thanksgiving day.
 Geraniums that are FINALLY blooming -- in our solarium.
 Happy Gnomes for the little loves in my life.
 Old combining with new.
 Anticipation of His coming.
 Familial units in life.
 Fulfilling memories.
 Open and welcoming situations.
 Snack time with the boy.
 Being able to see Gustav's preschool from our front door.
 Moments of one-on-one time.
 With crazy aunts.
 And tomatoes that are still from our garden.
 The ability to hear.
 And smile.
 And write.
 Simple play time.
 Smoked turkey.
 Sunlight and warmth, while being fed. For the soul and the body.
Simple pleasures.

Much love to you all.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Swimming through Rainbows

Thursday, November 1, 2012
